	description: "Sets whose items may be compared according to a partial order relation; implemented as sorted two-way lists."
	names: sorted_set, set, two_way_list
	representation: linked
	access: membership, min, max
	contents: generic

class interface


			-- (from LINKED_LIST)

feature {ANY} -- Access

	item: G
			-- Current item
			-- (from LINKED_LIST)
		require -- from ACTIVE
			readable: readable
		require -- from TRAVERSABLE
			not_off: not off
feature -- Access

	has (v: G): BOOLEAN
			-- Does structure include v?
			-- (Reference or object equality,
			-- based on object_comparison.)
			-- (from PART_SORTED_LIST)
		ensure -- from CONTAINER
			not_found_in_empty: Result implies not empty
feature -- Measurement

	count: INTEGER
			-- Number of items
			-- (from LINKED_LIST)
feature -- Comparison

	is_subset (other: like Current): BOOLEAN
			-- Is current set a subset of other?
		require -- from SUBSET
			set_exists: other /= void;
			same_rule: object_comparison = other.object_comparison

	is_superset (other: like Current): BOOLEAN
			-- Is current set a superset of other?
			-- (from SUBSET)
		require -- from SUBSET
			set_exists: other /= void;
			same_rule: object_comparison = other.object_comparison
feature -- Status report

	changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN
			-- May object_comparison be changed?
			-- (Answer: yes by default.)
			-- (from CONTAINER)
		ensure then -- from SET
			only_on_empty: Result = empty

	empty: BOOLEAN
			-- Is structure empty?
			-- (from FINITE)

	Extendible: BOOLEAN is true
			-- May new items be added? (Answer: yes.)
			-- (from DYNAMIC_CHAIN)

	object_comparison: BOOLEAN
			-- Must search operations use equal rather than =
			-- for comparing references? (Default: no, use =.)
			-- (from CONTAINER)

	prunable: BOOLEAN
			-- May items be removed? (Answer: yes.)
			-- (from DYNAMIC_CHAIN)
feature {ANY} -- Status report

	after: BOOLEAN
			-- Is there no valid cursor position to the right of cursor?
			-- (from LINKED_LIST)
feature -- Status setting

			-- Ensure that future search operations will use equal
			-- rather than = for comparing references.
			-- (from CONTAINER)
		require -- from CONTAINER
		ensure -- from CONTAINER

			-- Ensure that future search operations will use =
			-- rather than equal for comparing references.
			-- (from CONTAINER)
		require -- from CONTAINER
		ensure -- from CONTAINER
			reference_comparison: not object_comparison
feature {ANY} -- Cursor movement

			-- Move cursor to last position.
			-- (Go before if empty)
			-- (from TWO_WAY_LIST)
ensure then -- from TWO_WAY_LIST
			not_after: not after
ensure then -- from TWO_WAY_LIST
			not_after: not after

			-- Move cursor to next position, if any.
			-- (from TWO_WAY_LIST)
		require -- from LINEAR
			not_after: not after

			-- Move cursor to first position.
			-- (from LINKED_LIST)
		ensure then -- from LINKED_LIST
			empty_convention: empty implies after
ensure then -- from LINKED_LIST
			empty_convention: empty implies after
feature -- Element change

	extend (v: G)
			-- Ensure that structure includes v.
			-- Was declared in PART_SORTED_SET as synonym of extend and put.
		require -- from COLLECTION
			extendible: extendible
		ensure -- from COLLECTION
			item_inserted: has (v)
		ensure then -- from SET
			in_set_already: old has (v) implies (count = old count);
			added_to_set: not old has (v) implies (count = old count + 1)

	fill (other: CONTAINER [G])
			-- Fill with as many items of other as possible.
			-- The representations of other and current structure
			-- need not be the same.
			-- (from COLLECTION)
		require -- from COLLECTION
			other_not_void: other /= void;

	merge (other: like Current)
			-- Add all items of other.
		require -- PART_SORTED_LIST
			precursor: True
		require -- from SUBSET
			set_exists: other /= void;
			same_rule: object_comparison = other.object_comparison
ensure -- from SUBSET
			is_superset: is_superset (other)

	put (v: G)
			-- Ensure that structure includes v.
			-- Was declared in PART_SORTED_SET as synonym of extend and put.
		require -- from COLLECTION
			extendible: extendible
		ensure -- from COLLECTION
			item_inserted: has (v)
		ensure then -- from SET
			in_set_already: old has (v) implies (count = old count);
			added_to_set: not old has (v) implies (count = old count + 1)
feature {ANY} -- Element change

	put_left (v: like item)
			-- Add v to the left of cursor position.
			-- Do not move cursor.
			-- (from TWO_WAY_LIST)
		require -- from DYNAMIC_CHAIN
			extendible: extendible;
			not_before: not before
		ensure -- from DYNAMIC_CHAIN
			new_count: count = old count + 1;

feature -- Removal

	prune (v: like item)
			-- Remove v if present.
		require -- from COLLECTION
			prunable: prunable
		ensure then -- from SET
			removed_count_change: old has (v) implies (count = old count - 1);
			not_removed_no_count_change: not old has (v) implies (count = old count);
			item_deleted: not has (v)

	prune_all (v: like item)
			-- Remove all items identical to v.
			-- (Reference or object equality,
			-- based on object_comparison.)
			-- Leave cursor off.
		require -- DYNAMIC_CHAIN
			precursor: True
		require -- from COLLECTION
ensure -- from COLLECTION
			no_more_occurrences: not has (v)

			-- Remove all items.
			-- (from TWO_WAY_LIST)
		require -- DYNAMIC_LIST
			precursor: True
		require -- from COLLECTION
ensure -- from COLLECTION
			wiped_out: empty
feature -- Conversion

	linear_representation: LINEAR [G]
			-- Representation as a linear structure
			-- (from LINEAR)
feature -- Duplication

	duplicate (n: INTEGER): like Current
			-- Copy of sub-set beginning at cursor position
			-- and having min (n, count - index + 1) items
		require -- from CHAIN
			not_off_unless_after: off implies after;
			valid_subchain: n >= 0
		require -- from SUBSET
			non_negative: n >= 0
		ensure -- from SUBSET
			correct_count_1: n <= count implies Result.count = n;
			correct_count_2: n >= count implies Result.count = count
feature -- Basic operations

	disjoint (other: like Current): BOOLEAN
			-- Do current set and other have no
			-- items in common?
		require -- from SUBSET
			set_exists: other /= void;
			same_rule: object_comparison = other.object_comparison

	intersect (other: like Current)
			-- Remove all items not in other.
		require -- from SUBSET
			set_exists: other /= void;
			same_rule: object_comparison = other.object_comparison
		ensure -- from SUBSET
			is_subset_other: is_subset (other)

	subtract (other: like Current)
			-- Remove all items also in other.
		require -- from SUBSET
			set_exists: other /= void;
			same_rule: object_comparison = other.object_comparison
		ensure -- from SUBSET
			is_disjoint: disjoint (other)

	symdif (other: like Current)
			-- Remove all items also in other, and add all
			-- items of other not already present.
		require -- from SUBSET
			set_exists: other /= void;
			same_rule: object_comparison = other.object_comparison

		-- from GENERAL
	reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current);
	reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current);
		-- from LINKED_LIST
	prunable: prunable;
		-- from FINITE
	empty_definition: empty = (count = 0);
	non_negative_count: count >= 0;
	extendible: extendible;

end -- class PART_SORTED_SET