Contact information

If you want to report a bug or contribute to the development of eInteractive by discussing its design, suggest new features, submit bug fixes or improvements or if you want to join the eInteractive development team, feel free to contact us. Following ways of contacting are there:

  1. eInteractive web site

  2. Contacting the developer(s) via email
    Patrick Schönbach <>

  3. Joining the mailing list
    To join the eInteractive mailing list, send an email to and put the following line in the mail body:
    subscribe eInteractive <your email address>
    and follow the instructions that are returned by email. To unsubscribe, put:
    unsubscribe eInteractive <your email address>
    Send your postings to

  4. CVS access
    People who want to permanently join the eInteractive development team can get a read/write access to the CVS repository. To get access, send a request to Patrick Schönbach <>